Course onboarding questionnaire Course Intake Form Please complete and submit the following form. Name *Email address *Address *Phone number *What do you hope to get out of the course? *Do you have any physical challenges, disability or mental health problems? If so, please provide details. *Are you currently on any medication? If so, what for? *Have you had any recent significantly stressful changes in your life? For example - a bereavement, a divorce, a job loss? *Is there anything else you'd like to tell us?The information provided is confidential and will not be shared within the group or externally. SubmitThank you for completing the form. It has been sent.×There was an error trying to send your form. Please try again later.×Copyright Clare Timms 2023 | All Rights Reserved Clinic in Sevenoaks, Kent Email: Privacy policy Code of ethics Clare2024-06-19T10:27:56+01:00